Polyacrylamide (PAM) Is In The Field Of Wastewater Treatment
Source: | Author:Vicky | Published time: 2023-06-20 | 1074 Views | Share:
Polyacrylamide (PAM) is a versatile chemical that has found a wide range of industrial applications, including water treatment. In recent years, PAM has gained popularity in the field of wastewater treatment due to its excellent flocculation performance and low toxicity.

Polyacrylamide (PAM) is a versatile chemical that has found a wide range of industrial applications, including water treatment. In recent years, PAM has gained popularity in the field of wastewater treatment due to its excellent flocculation performance and low toxicity.

Wastewater treatment plants have been struggling to keep up with ever-increasing demand while minimizing their environmental impact. The use of PAM offers a sustainable and cost-effective solution to this problem. By adding PAM to wastewater, it enhances the process of flocculation, which is the clumping together of particles to form larger, more easily removable clusters.

PAM molecules have a high molecular weight, making them ideal for flocculation. They work by forming bridges between particles, which ultimately leads to the formation of flocs. These flocs settle faster and are easier to remove from the treated water, resulting in cleaner effluent.

In addition to improving the quality of treated water, the use of PAM can also help reduce operating costs. By reducing the amount of sludge produced, fewer resources are needed to dispose of it. This leads to lower transportation and disposal costs as well as a smaller environmental footprint.

At WELLDONE, we understand the importance of sustainable wastewater treatment. That's why we offer a range of PAM products specifically designed for use in water treatment plants. Our PAM products are of the highest quality and comply with all relevant regulations.

So if you're looking for an effective and sustainable solution for your wastewater treatment needs, consider using PAM from  Shandong WELLDONE Environmental New Materials Company Co., Ltd.