Viscosity of polyacrylamide used as waterproofing agent for petroleum mining
Source:www.polyacrylamide.com | Author:Welldone | Published time: 2023-09-19 | 717 Views | Share:
Viscosity standards for polyacrylamide (PAM) used in petroleum mining waterproofing agents generally refer to Brookfield viscosity, which generally ranges between 5 and 25,

Viscosity standards for polyacrylamide (PAM) used in petroleum mining waterproofing agents generally refer to Brookfield viscosity, which generally ranges between 5 and 25, depending on the molecular weight and concentration of the polyacrylamide, as well as the specific application required.

Special reminder: Specific requirements will vary due to different oil extraction processes, geological conditions and fluid characteristics. Please contact the PAM factory in advance to test and determine the viscosity range. 👍