Polyacrylamide fracturing fluid for oil fields
Source:www.polyacrylamide.com | Author:Welldone | Published time: 2023-10-12 | 753 Views | Share:
For polyacrylamide fracturing fluids used in oil fields, before purchasing polyacrylamide additives, the polyacrylamide manufacturer needs to cooperate and complete the following polyacrylamide fracturing fluid tests:

For polyacrylamide fracturing fluids used in oil fields, before purchasing polyacrylamide additives, the polyacrylamide manufacturer needs to cooperate and complete the following polyacrylamide fracturing fluid tests:

1️⃣ What a drilling engineer needs to do: Assess rock and geological conditions.

Before conducting fracturing operations, engineers need to evaluate the rock and geological conditions of the oil field to determine whether fracturing fluids need to be used to stimulate production or improve well productivity.

2️⃣ Work that requires the cooperation of polyacrylamide manufacturers: designing the fracturing fluid formula.

Based on the target and geological conditions, engineers need to fully communicate with polyacrylamide manufacturers to design an appropriate fracturing fluid formula, which contains polyacrylamide as a thickener and improver.

3️⃣ Work that requires the cooperation of polyacrylamide manufacturers: prepare fracturing fluid.

According to the designed formula, the polyacrylamide manufacturer will send prepared polyacrylamide samples and use the polyacrylamide samples to prepare the fracturing fluid. This usually involves mixing an appropriate amount of polyacrylamide powder or solution with water and other auxiliary additives to ensure uniform dispersion.

4️⃣ Polyacrylamide fracturing fluid test: Test the effect of using polyacrylamide fracturing fluid multiple times, select the appropriate polyacrylamide product/usage ratio, etc.

After the above work is completed, you can confirm whether the PAM products supplied by the polyacrylamide manufacturer meet the needs, and then choose whether to purchase them. We recommend that you pay attention to our Welldone polyacrylamide manufacturer. As the leader of PAM factories in China, we can supply you with a variety of polyacrylamide products of different specifications. Contact our business to obtain test samples and quotations.