How polyacrylamide is applied to fracturing fluid
Source: | Author:Vicky | Published time: 2023-04-25 | 1319 Views | Share:
Polyacrylamide (PAM) is a water-soluble polymer that has been widely used in hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking. Its ability to improve fluid viscosity and reduce friction makes it an ideal additive for hydraulic fracturing fluids.

Polyacrylamide (PAM) is a water-soluble polymer that has been widely used in hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking. Its ability to improve fluid viscosity and reduce friction makes it an ideal additive for hydraulic fracturing fluids.


In the context of hydraulic fracturing, PAM can be added to the fracturing fluid to increase its viscosity and prevent the settling of proppant particles. This results in a more efficient and effective fracturing process, leading to increased production rates from the well.


Moreover, PAM can reduce the amount of water required for hydraulic fracturing by increasing the viscosity of the fracturing fluid. This results in cost savings associated with water usage and transportation, as well as reduced environmental impact.


One of the main advantages of PAM in hydraulic fracturing is its ability to reduce friction between the fracturing fluid and the wellbore, which reduces the pressure required for injection. This leads to more efficient fracturing and reduced risk of wellbore damage.


In addition, PAM can be used in combination with other additives such as surfactants, biocides, and scale inhibitors to optimize the performance of the fracturing fluid.


In conclusion, PAM is a valuable additive for hydraulic fracturing due to its ability to improve fluid viscosity, reduce friction, and increase the efficiency of the fracturing process. Its use can result in cost savings, improved well productivity, and reduced environmental impact.