The Difference Between Anionic Polyacrylamide Of Different Molecular Weights
Source: | Author:Vicky | Published time: 2023-05-19 | 1272 Views | Share:
Anionic polyacrylamide is a water-soluble polymer, mainly used for flocculation and sedimentation of various industrial wastewater, such as steel plant wastewater, electroplating plant wastewater, metallurgical wastewater, coal washing wastewater and other sewage treatment.

Anionic polyacrylamide is a water-soluble polymer, mainly used for flocculation and sedimentation of various industrial wastewater, such as steel plant wastewater, electroplating plant wastewater, metallurgical wastewater, coal washing wastewater and other sewage treatment.Anionic polyacrylamide has the appearance of a white powder with a molecular weight from 8 million to 25 million. It has good solubility in water, can be dissolved in water in any proportion and is insoluble in organic solvents.The molecular weight of anionic polyacrylamide is one of the main properties that distinguish its products. Then whether anionic polyacrylamide with different molecular weights is the same product is a bit confusing, but the molecular weight of anionic flocculants is often the molecular weight, which ranges from 8-25 million.What is the difference between anionic polyacrylamide with a molecular weight of 25 million and a molecular weight of 8 million, and which one is better to use.

The difference in the treatment of anionic polyacrylyl chemical wastewater, I believe this has been bothering all buyers, today we will explain the differences.:

Anionic polyacrylamide with a molecular weight of 8 million: relatively speaking, it has a short dissolution time and low viscosity, and is suitable for situations where sewage is not very complicated.It can also be used as a water retaining agent.For customers who do not have viscosity requirements, they can choose, which saves costs and has a significant effect.

25 million molecular weight anionic polyacrylamide: The molecular weight of polyacrylamide PAM is relatively high, and its application range is much larger than 8 million.

It is recommended to use.The molecular weight of anionic polyacrylamide is between 8 million and 12 million, which is a low molecular mass product.It is mainly used as a dispersant for sewage treatment, which can evenly disperse the sedimentation and agglomeration of inorganic particles and solid particles that are insoluble in liquids; polyacrylamide has a molecular weight between 12 million and 18 million. It is a medium molecular weight product and is mainly used as a dry strength agent for paper.In the paper industry, it can improve paper quality and pulp dehydration performance, reduce raw material consumption and environmental pollution; 1800-2500 million molecular weight anionic polyacrylamide is a high molecular mass product, mainly used as a thickener.Its products are also mainly used in oilfield oil production, sewage sedimentation, and perfume and adhesive industries.

In general, the higher the molecular weight, the harder it is for polyacrylamide to dissolve and the higher the viscosity.We can also summarize some experience from this: the higher the molecular weight, the longer the dissolution time, the greater the molecular weight, and the greater the viscosity of the solution.Generally, the larger the molecular weight, the more obvious the effect.However, when the molecular weight of the washing wastewater reaches a certain level, its effect will not increase linearly. In this case, it mainly depends on the number of molecules.This not only depends on the molecular weight when used, but also depends on the water quality treatment requirements.Otherwise, even the high molecular weight cannot meet the requirements of low viscosity in the solution