How to use polyacrylamide
Source: | Author:Vicky | Published time: 2023-07-10 | 890 Views | Share:
choose the appropriate polyacrylamide type.Polyacrylamide has cationic, anionic and nonionic types, which have different effects when treating different wastewater.

Polyacrylamide is usually widely used in many fields, such as water treatment, petroleum extraction, papermaking, textiles, mineral processing, etc.The following is a common step of using polyacrylamide, taking water treatment as an example:

1. First, choose the appropriate polyacrylamide type.Polyacrylamide has cationic, anionic and nonionic types, which have different effects when treating different wastewater.

2. Mix polyacrylamide with water in the recommended ratio to make a solution.Please note that this process requires the polyacrylamide powder to be added to the water slowly and evenly, while stirring to avoid the formation of particles.

3. Slowly add the polyacrylamide solution to the wastewater during stirring.Polyacrylamide will combine with suspended solids in wastewater to form larger particles, which are convenient for subsequent precipitation and filtration.

4. After the wastewater is precipitated, filtered, or centrifuged, clean water can be obtained.

Please note that this is just a basic guide.The actual method of use may vary depending on the specific polyacrylamide product and application environment.Please be sure to follow the instructions in the product manual.