Polyacrylamide is selected for biopharmaceutical wastewater treatment agents, which is efficient and fast
Source: | Author:Vicky | Published time: 2023-07-13 | 884 Views | Share:
After stirring, pollutants will form flocs with polyacrylamide, and the flocs will be separated from the wastewater by sedimentation or flotation.The separated wastewater can continue for subsequent treatment, such as biological treatment, membrane filtration, etc., to meet discharge standards.The floc can be dehydrated by filtration, centrifugal dehydration and other methods to further reduce the volume and moisture content of the sludge.

Pharmaceutical wastewater is produced in the pharmaceutical process, so pharmaceutical wastewater has a high organic content, deep color and high salt content, which is very troublesome to deal with.As a result, there is a lot of sewage in the pharmaceutical factory.Generally, water purification agents are used for sewage treatment in pharmaceutical factories.

Polyacrylamide is generally selected for water purification agents.Moreover, polyacrylamide is a linear polymer that is easily soluble in water.The effect is good and safe.

There are three types of pharmaceutical wastewater treatment methods: biological method, chemical method, and physical and chemical method. Due to the characteristics of the water quality of pharmaceutical wastewater, none of the above single pharmaceutical wastewater treatment methods can achieve the treatment effect.

Sedimentation and dehydration: After stirring, pollutants will form flocs with polyacrylamide, and the flocs will be separated from the wastewater by sedimentation or flotation.The separated wastewater can continue for subsequent treatment, such as biological treatment, membrane filtration, etc., to meet discharge standards.The floc can be dehydrated by filtration, centrifugal dehydration and other methods to further reduce the volume and moisture content of the sludge.


Choose the appropriate polyacrylamide type and molecular weight to obtain the best flocculation effect.

When preparing polyacrylamide solution, high-speed stirring should be avoided to prevent the polymer chain in the solution from breaking.

Avoid using excessive polyacrylamide, otherwise it may cause secondary pollution of wastewater.