Application of polyacrylamide in coal washing and mineral processing industry
Source: | Author:Vicky | Published time: 2023-08-04 | 830 Views | Share:
PAM has the properties of flocculation and selective flocculation, and can be used as a flocculant and coagulant.Uranium ore extraction is one of the earliest important application areas of polyacrylamide PAM.At present, PAM is also used in mineral processing in our country, including lead ore, gold ore, nickel ore, copper ore, aluminum ore, bauxite ore, etc.

In order to strengthen the concentration of ore slurry and water clarification in mineral processing plants, and improve the hydraulic conveying concentration and water recovery utilization rate of tailings, many domestic mineral processing plants use polyacrylamide flocculants to strengthen the sedimentation and concentration of tailings. The purpose of adding polyacrylamide flocculants is to increase the particle size of the sedimentation solid particles, thereby speeding up the sedimentation rate; Polyacrylamide products are mostly used for such flocculants.Polyacrylamide is referred to as PAM for short, and its application in the mining and metallurgical industry mainly involves mining, mineral processing and metallurgy.

In the process of treating mineral processing wastewater, a large amount of water needs to be used to effectively separate mineral solids from water or aqueous solutions.The use of flocculant products can promote the rapid sinking of useful solid minerals, or can accelerate the concentration of fine particulate materials and improve filtration efficiency, thereby improving the separation effect and production efficiency, reducing tailings loss and reducing costs.The discharge of wastewater from mineral processing plants is large, and various indicators such as the concentration of heavy metal ions, the concentration of solid suspended solids, and the chemical oxygen demand in the water greatly exceed the national discharge standards. It is necessary to use reasonable and economical methods to treat and reuse tailings wastewater, and purify wastewater that does not meet the discharge standards.

PAM has the properties of flocculation and selective flocculation, and can be used as a flocculant and coagulant.Uranium ore extraction is one of the earliest important application areas of polyacrylamide PAM.At present, PAM is also used in mineral processing in our country, including lead ore, gold ore, nickel ore, copper ore, aluminum ore, bauxite ore, etc.

It is mainly manifested in dehydration and enhanced dehydration in the mineral processing process, enhanced filtration and dehydration, as well as coal washing and slime treatment.Regarding the amount of PAM flocculant, it is mainly related to its concentration. Cost analysis can screen suitable polyacrylamide flocculant products through laboratory beaker experiments, optimize the formula, and efficiently solve the problem of flocculant use.