What is polyacrylamide shale inhibitor?
Source:www.polyacrylamide.com | Author:Welldone | Published time: 2024-03-21 | 973 Views | Share:
Polyacrylamide shale inhibitors effectively reduce the occurrence of these problems by changing the rheological properties of water-based drilling fluids and reducing the contact and adhesion of shale with drill bits and pipe walls.

Polyacrylamide shale inhibitor (Polyacrylamide shale inhibitor) is a chemical used in oil field mining. It is mainly used to reduce the adhesion and deposition of shale on the drill bit and pipe wall during the drilling process. During the drilling process, shale may form adhesions with drill bits and pipe wall surfaces, causing equipment to get stuck, clogged and other problems, thereby reducing drilling efficiency. Polyacrylamide shale inhibitors effectively reduce the occurrence of these problems by changing the rheological properties of water-based drilling fluids and reducing the contact and adhesion of shale with drill bits and pipe walls.

Polyacrylamide shale inhibitors are typically added to drilling fluids in powder or liquid form and are adjusted and used based on specific drilling conditions and needs. The use of these chemicals helps improve the efficiency and safety of drilling operations and reduces equipment failures and downtime, thus having a positive impact on oilfield production operations.