The role of polyacrylamide in urban sewage
Source: | Author:Vicky | Published time: 2023-07-26 | 848 Views | Share:
Polyacrylamide (polyacrylamide, referred to as PAM) plays an important role in urban sewage treatment.Urban sewage treatment is the process of converting sewage into recyclable and discharged water resources, while PAM is a commonly used polymer compound that can play the following roles in sewage treatment

Polyacrylamide (polyacrylamide, referred to as PAM) plays an important role in urban sewage treatment.Urban sewage treatment is the process of converting sewage into recyclable and discharged water resources, while PAM is a commonly used polymer compound that can play the following roles in sewage treatment:

1. Clarification and precipitation effect: The suspended solids are precipitated to make the sewage purification effect better.

2. Flocculation effect: PAM can promote the aggregation of tiny particles in sewage into larger clumps, which can facilitate subsequent treatment.

3. Anti-foaming effect: When stirring, sewage is prone to foam, and the production of foam can be reduced after using PAM.

4. Improve filtration performance: PAM can effectively improve sewage filtration performance and improve the separation effect of solids and liquids by promoting particle aggregation.

In short, PAM, as a trustworthy material, can effectively improve the physical and chemical processes in the urban sewage treatment process, thereby improving the efficiency and water quality of sewage treatment.