Polyacrylamide for refinery wastewater treatment pharmacy
Source: | Author:Vicky | Published time: 2023-07-28 | 878 Views | Share:
The common polyacrylamide is a white powder particle, which has a strong flocculation effect and plays an important role in the treatment of industrial wastewater.It is widely used in domestic sewage treatment, as well as petroleum, metallurgy, papermaking, textiles and other fields.

Can refinery wastewater be discharged directly?Of course not!A good ecology can support a "plain" life!

A refinery, as the name suggests, is a factory that produces kerosene, diesel, gasoline, petroleum coke, lubricating oil, asphalt and other products.Refineries need to use a large amount of water in the process of producing these products.Although most of them can be recycled, the amount of wastewater generated is still huge.Data show that the amount of wastewater generated in refineries is 60%-70% of crude oil processing.

Can this part of the wastewater be directly discharged?Of course not!The wastewater of the refinery contains a large number of harmful substances, and direct discharge will cause serious pollution to the environment.

Let's first popularize the hazards of refinery wastewater.Such wastewater usually forms a thin oil film on the water surface, which hinders the oxygen in the air.If such wastewater is discharged directly into the river without purification, it will cause hypoxia in the water body, and in severe cases, it will lead to the death of a large area of organisms in the water.

Do you think this is the end?Of course not!Some refinery wastewater also contains some “high-risk” pollutants that are more toxic.Such wastewater is discharged directly out of the plant without treatment, and it comes into contact with the human body, which can even endanger health.If you want a "plain” life, it is difficult if you don't have a good ecological environment to support it.

This is also the reason why industrial wastewater needs to be decontaminated and purified before it can be discharged after meeting environmental protection discharge standards.Polyacrylamide, on the other hand, is a “good hand” in the treatment of refinery wastewater!

The common polyacrylamide is a white powder particle, which has a strong flocculation effect and plays an important role in the treatment of industrial wastewater.It is widely used in domestic sewage treatment, as well as petroleum, metallurgy, papermaking, textiles and other fields.

To treat refinery wastewater well, it is more troublesome than imagined and requires many steps.Polyacrylamide mainly plays the role of flocculant in it.

When the polymer flocculant is used in the water of suspended particles, through the electrical neutralization and the adsorption and bridging effect of the polymer itself, it can promote the rapid agglutination and settlement of suspended particles, and achieve the effect of separation and clarification.It can effectively improve the effect of wastewater purification and reduce operating costs.

The condensate from catalytic cracking in oil refineries is often severely polluted by oil, ammonia, sulfides, phenols and other inorganic and organic compounds, which are highly toxic.Sulfur-containing wastewater discharged from the production process of refinery refining and hydrogenation plants; H2S and NH3-containing wastewater from the top of the fractionation tower of the cracking plant, steam-rich washing and reforming hydrogenation plants are all heavily polluted wastewater from refineries.

Refining wastewater treatment can usually be divided into two stages.

The first stage is pretreatment to remove specific pollutants

1.Using heating hydrolysis technology, ammonia produced in the catalytic cracking process is used as a hydrolysis catalyst to convert highly toxic (cyanide, nitrile) into low-toxic substances.;

2.The air oxidation method is used to desulfurize sulfur-containing wastewater.

3.The twin-tower stripping device is used to recover H2S and NH3.

The second stage is biochemical treatment, and the effluent after the above treatment is subjected to biochemical treatment.